Kitsune lives in the Eternal Realm of Japan. KItsune is a school girl from the Imperial clan, one of the 5 clans that control Eternal Realm of Japan. Kitsune looks like a typical school girl but she is half angel and half demon fox. She is one of the most powerful Chibi Muerte in the realm. Kitsune’s origin and why she is so powerful is a secret that only Musashi knows about. Most of the Imperial clan treat her like an outcast and talk down to her. She is normally shy and very soft spoken. She is also very bright and is extremely skilled at the katana. Kitsune best friend is the sassy Sachiko. They became friends at an early age. Sachiko will physical hurt you if you disrespect Kitsune. She will not tolerate even the quiet whisper of negative speech toward Kitsune. Kitsune’s life is like an onion, because every layer you peel back; you will find answers about her, but also more questions. Kitsune’s flower is the Ume which represent Spring (a new beginning) and protection (which she tries to be a protector of her friends).
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